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RPG Deals 7/19 – 7/25
By Russ | July 19, 2009 at 6:22 pm
Summer brings the hot; deals bring the damn.
At least the first deal will: Target is offering a ‘buy 1 360 game, get another 360 game 50% off.’ Mondays also tend to be the days Target puts new stuff on clearance or lowers the prices on clearance items. Sunday is a big day for spending, so there might be few titles left. Most Target stores get daily trucks with shipment in them so check back during the week if a title is missing.
Toys R Us has a coupon for 15% off a video game in their Sunday mailer. You just have to be a member of TRU’s rewards club. It is free to sign up, but you have to decide if it is worthwhile.
Best Buy has World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King for $30; $10 off the regular retail price.
Chrono Trigger is down to $20 on the DS at most retailers. K-Mart and GameStop, for instance.
I recently took advantage of a deal to upgrade my cell phone and now have to figure out how the new one works.
Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has it before writing them off. You might be able to get a raincheck. A lot of these deals are in-store only, except where specified.
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