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RPG Deals 1/3 – 1/9
By Russ | January 3, 2010 at 11:37 am
Target is offering Dissidia for $20 this week.
There’s little else being offered. Most of the holiday deals ended last night, and there is very little going on in the meantime. Towards the end of the month when Mass Effect 2 gets released some deals on other RPGs might crop up, but until then I’ll keep checking around for you.
Do keep up to date on the Xbox Live and PSN stores – several large-budget RPGs are being released, so there might be some DLC deals extended to the customer. Clearance racks may also be your friend, as stores try to get rid of old RPGs for the new ones.
Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has it before writing them off. You might be able to get a raincheck. A lot of these deals are in-store only, except where specified.
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