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Turbine takes Lord of the Rings Online into free territory

By Heath | August 22, 2010 at 8:34 am

Developer Turbine will be launching a free-to-play version of its popular MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online on Sept. 10. 

The company will introduce a new pricing system that allows for completely free gameplay up to level 50 while offering vanity items, potions, and other conveniences at a price.  Those already with monthly subscriptions and happy with the system need not fear, as those who choose to keep shelling out will get extra benefits.

There will be Free, Premium, and VIP account types.  The free player, for example, only gets one character slot; the Premium gets three, and the VIP gets five.  Free and Premium players also have a cap on gold, though they can purchase a removal of the cap.  A VIP player, however, is allowed to obtain unlimited gold.  Also capped for Free and Premium players, to different extents, is customer service, though VIP accounts are given “full access.”

Last year, Turbine applied this same game model to Dungeons and Dragons Online, and not only revitalized the game, but made it 500% more profitable.

Topics: Lord of the Rings Online, Turbine