Famitsu’s Most Wanted Games, July 25

By Heath | July 25, 2014 at 7:31 am

The most useless thing about Famitsu is its reviews. The second most useless thing is the most wanted chart. While it can give a glimpse of what’s gonna sell, it’s also easy to manipulate, as just a few voters can lob a game like The Last Remnant’s PS3 version (which doesn’t exist) onto the charts ahead of surefire sellers like Phantasy Star Nova. It’s kind of funny. Anyway, this is the internet, where people crave garbage, so I’m glad to be your garbage man. Here you are, you ignorant pieces of shit. Here’s Famitsu’s 30 Most Wanted games, as voted by their readers.

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Famitsu’s New Most Wanted List

By Heath | April 13, 2011 at 12:16 am

Because you love countdowns and because the hosts are still having problems keeping our images online, here’s Famitsu’s newest Most Wanted list, with Dark Souls dropping out of the top 15 and Fotokano making a run for the top.
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