Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (Riz Zoawd) hands-on preview

By Heath | July 20, 2009 at 1:14 pm

The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road, known as Riz Zoawd in Japan, hurls the player right into the action by cutting the whole tornado incident down to about 30 seconds. It cuts out munchkins and falling houses as well, getting Dorothy’s fine ass right to work on the Yellow Brick Road.
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Atlus to developers announcing announcements: “We want to play too!”

By Joseph | July 17, 2009 at 10:38 am

Atlus Japan kicked our asses right out of the building when we broke in and asked about announcements during Jog at the Moon.  And then they set up a teaser page announcing an upcoming game announcement. Click here to jump on the hype machine.

Fallout 3, now with aliens!

By Michael | July 16, 2009 at 9:47 am

Apparently Bethesda doesn’t believe believe a post-apocalyptic world is dangerous or varied enough.  Recently released, Bethesda’s newest DLC for Fallout 3 is Mothership Zeta. An add-on in which Aliens have come to earth.  This DLC takes the game in an entirely new realm, outer space, as players will go fight some aliens aboard a mothership in orbit around Earth.  They will of course be armed with the requisite new armor, weapons, and quests.  Fallout 3’s hero, obviously discovered this alien vessel while attempting to join in RPG Land’s Jog at the Moon 2009.
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Reviews: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, World Destruction

By Heath | July 15, 2009 at 10:39 am

At first I thought about writing dickish half-previews of these games that don’t tell you anything, but then I was like, “What the hell, it’s only once in a lifetime we get to JOG AT THE MOON,” then  finished them to write these reviews. I live to serve, kids. Remember that.

*World Destruction (to be named Sands of Destruction in America) import review.
*Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (to have the same retarded name in America) import review.

Valkyria Chronicles 2 revealed for PSP

By Heath | July 14, 2009 at 10:45 pm

RPG Land was throwing you a massive hint last fall when we mentioned “aiming at mothereffing space” in our Valkyria Chronicles review. Because now, appropriately, during Jog at the Moon, we’re glad to reveal a sequel for PSP. Of the few details known thus far, we know Valkyria Chronicles 2 will center around the themes of school and war. The main characters appear to be students in Gallia’s Royal Military Academy, called “Lanciel.”  At this time, it seems as though the students will be abe to undertake side missions in addition to their story-driven quests. Stay tuned for more details.  Here’s the first Famitsu scan:

XSeed still considering LUNAR PSP translation options

By Heath | July 13, 2009 at 9:42 pm

Where better to begin our Jog at the Moon than with an update about LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony?
Many gamers have wondered about the dialogue in the upcoming LUNAR port to PSP. At this point in time, XSeed is still evaluating English translation options redarding LUNAR‘s North American version. Whether the popular Working Designs translation will be used, in whole or in part, remains unknown. When RPG Land knows something, so will you.


By Heath | July 13, 2009 at 9:33 pm

We needed to do something drastic this summer. Something big — nay, something huge. We should run somewhere! Well, no, how’s about a jog instead? And to where? To the sun? Ef that, let’s go somewhere cooler, literally and figuratively. Sounds like…THE MOON. July 13-17, we’ll be walking right in the doors of some of the biggest development and publishing houses in all of RPGLand (I used our name as if it were a real, physical place!), asking tough questions, and you better believe they won’t be telling us sh–.
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