Black Rock Shooter: The Game coming via NISA, not actually a shooter

By Heath | August 24, 2011 at 11:04 pm

And now we finally see something come of Imageepoch’s partnership with NIS America, as Black Rock Shooter: The Game will be coming to North American and European PSPs. Rating and release date are yet to be determined.

NISA bringing Atelier Torori, Cladun 2, Bleach game this summer

By Janelle | May 14, 2011 at 1:52 am

At its premiere event on Friday, NIS America has confirmed our suspicions and announced Atelier Totori (PS3) and Cladun x2 (PSP via PSN), as well as the unexpected fighter Bleach: Soul Resurrección for PS3. Exact release dates are not yet specified. NISA is making itself very busy with all these, plus Cave Story 3D and Disgaea 4 due out this year. Screenshots, magazine scans, and artwork of Atelier Totori can be seen in our previous coverage. Meanwhile, click here for Cladun 2 screenshots.

NIS details Disgaea 4 premium package

By Janelle | April 12, 2011 at 9:16 pm

Gamestop and “other retailers” (not specified) will be getting a special edition of Disgaea 4 when it hits the states in September.
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Cave Story + Prinny Crossover?

By Heath | February 8, 2011 at 8:15 am

Days from its own press event, NIS America has posted some interesting art of a Prinny dressed up the main character from beloved indy game Cave Story. What it means is anyone’s guess, but the party goes down on the 10th. Stay tuned.  Thanks, NeoGAF.
Cave Prinny

Imageepoch announces new games, partnership with NIS America: what it may or may not mean (plus videos)

By Heath | December 1, 2010 at 7:37 am

Japanese developer Imaggeepoch, makers of treasured classics such as Luminous Arc,  Arc Rise Fantasia, and Sands of Destruction, has been busy making a lot of announcements lately.  While not necessarily connected to each other, the company has announced new games for Japan and a new localization partnership with NIS America. 
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Phantom Brave PSP gets English treatment

By Heath | November 16, 2010 at 10:49 pm

Fighting to keep the crown of “King of Publishing Strategy RPGs,” NIS America will be bringing the PSP port of Phantom Brave to North America and Europe in March of 2011.
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Disgaea 4 Epic Interview: RPG Land + Nippon Ichi

By Heath | October 10, 2010 at 8:30 am

The lights on and the TGS party over, we pulled some chairs up to what was once a table and talked straight with Nippon Ichi about the next main-series Disgaea title.  We learned about some game systems, the reasons behind certain decisions, and just exactly where some of the character and theme inspirations came from. 
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Atelier Rorona/Carnivore Day Cookoff Contest Winners

By Heath | October 4, 2010 at 8:22 am

As it began, we had no stinkin’ entries for this thing. If we’d had even just a picture of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it would have ended up winning. Yet, ironically scared off, most people didn’t enter. We didn’t have a single entry here until RPG Land and NISA decided to show you how it was done. The thing was, after that, you people had to go pulling out all the stops. We got some great entries. We wish we could give you all truckloads of stuff, but we’re fresh out of trucks. We do, however, have 2 copies of Atelier Rorona to give out, among other things. And here are your winners are…
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Cladun: This is a review

By Michael | September 23, 2010 at 1:30 am

I got a sneak peak at NIS America’s, Cladun: This is an RPG, just released this week on the Playstation Network to purchase for your PSP, and now you too can know whether you ‘d like it or not.   Just stroll on over and consume the review.  Remember, it’s polite to finish your plate when at a guest’s house.

Disagea will always be on PlayStation, Disgaea 4 early details

By Heath | September 17, 2010 at 12:40 pm

With Disgaea 4, Nippon Ichi has addressed an issue which almost every RPG fan has talked about at some point, be it as a complaint or a joke: the aesthetics of the series. The pixelated sprites didn’t tend to bother dedicated fans, but once things got to the PS3 level with very little visual change, a lot of people began to wonder what was up.
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