Final Fantasy Type-0 Hands-on Preview – TGS

By Janelle | September 20, 2014 at 12:24 pm

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy Type-0 for the PSP was never released in the west, so Final Fantasy Type-0 HD on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One represents a second chance for western fans of the series to get their hands on this game.
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Disgaea 5 Hands-on Preview – TGS

By Janelle | September 18, 2014 at 8:38 pm

To go over the basics of Disgaea‘s mechanics seems like a tremendous waste of words; it’s a wacky strategy RPG series with very large numbers and too many quirks to list. If you recognize the name, you probably already know how it plays. What Disgaea fans are wondering, of course, is what new things Disgaea 5 brings to the table. Luckily, the TGS show floor demo did a good job of highlighting some new features.
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Bravely Second Hands-on Preview – TGS

By Janelle | September 18, 2014 at 8:34 pm

Bravely Second picks up some time after the first game, and though the original cast are all still alive and well, a new cast of characters takes their place in the demo (though Agnes takes Airy’s place of offering advice on the menu screen).
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Hands-on preview of Square Enix’s Dive In service – TGS

By Janelle | September 18, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Square Enix recently announced a service for streaming games from its back catalogue for play on tablets and smartphones, called Dive In. The service will launch on October 9 in Japan with Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XIII and Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders available for rent at varying prices. Dive In was available to demo on the TGS show floor, with both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XIII queued up and ready to go, so I attempted to test both.
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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – TGS Hands-on Preview

By Janelle | October 3, 2013 at 7:26 am

I’m sure a lot of people are approaching Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII with the same trepidation I was. The first two games were worth playing for their solid battle systems, though opinions on the merits of the other aspects vary widely. But on the Tokyo Game Show floor, for better or worse, Square Enix seems to have hooked me in for a third go-round in the world of Pulse and Cocoon.
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Theathrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call – TGS 2013 Hands-on Preview

By Janelle | September 23, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call is like a Director’s Cut version of Theatrhythm, the Final Fantasy-themed rhythm game that came out for the 3DS in 2012.
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Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for iOS – TGS 2013 Hands-on Preview

By Janelle | September 23, 2013 at 11:44 am

Square Enix is re-releasing Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on iOS. It’s a remake of a cellphone game that was ported to consoles, and now it’s coming back to its mobile roots. But phones have acquired touchscreens since The After Years was first developed. I took a spin with the TGS demo on an iPad to see how the game fared on a tablet.
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TGS 2013 – Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Hands-on Preview

By Janelle | September 19, 2013 at 12:00 pm

If you clicked this link expecting a detailed play-by-play of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster demo, sorry. In true, half-assed RPGLand fashion, I will come out and say that there isn’t much to say. It’s Final Fantasy X. In HD. The end. I played X during my crack at the demo, but I also watched someone play the X-2 demo while I waited in line, and can say that that also sure was Final Fantasy X-2, in HD. The 3 main girls were obviously more detailed than side characters and enemies, and seeing them together was a little weird, like they were from different games, but that might have been just the fact that I was a few feet further from the screen than I would have been, were I at home.

Since there isn’t much to say, that means it’s some good ol’fashioned Graphical Nitpicking Time!
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TGS 2013 – Maple Story: Unmei no Shoujo Hands-on Preview

By Janelle | September 19, 2013 at 11:55 am

Originally a Korean exclusive, MapleStory: Unmei no Shoujo is being brought to Japan in 2014 by Sega. This is the second portable take on MapleStory, a cutesy platforming MMORPG by Wizet that’s been running in some form for over a decade now. From the looks of the demo, MapleStory: Unmei no Shoujo does a good job of translating the gameplay elements of the MMO into an easy-to-play portable adventure.
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Final Fantasy XIII-2 TGS hands-on

By Janelle | October 4, 2011 at 8:10 am

Final Fantasy XIII-2, sequel to the polarizing Final Fantasy XIII, was on display at the Tokyo Game Show this year. I took a shot at the demo to see if anything’s changed.
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