Valkyria Chronicles preorder bonus introduced

By Heath | October 10, 2008 at 11:41 pm

The best PlayStation 3 game to be made thus far (well, in this writer’s opinion) will come with a bonus for those that preorder the game. Sega has just announced that those who order before release will receive a limited edition artbook.

Valkyrie of the Battlefield (Valkyria Chronicles) downloadable content coming

By Heath | June 30, 2008 at 5:07 am

This August, Senjou no Varukyria (to be called Valkyria Chronicles in America) will get its first pieces of downloadable content. The first content update adds a degree of difficulty one notch above the already feared Hard Mode, for 300 yen. For 600 yen, players can purchase two new scenarios featuring certain subcharacters, lead by infantry solider Eadie (assuming that’s how they’ll Romanize “I-i-de-i”).

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Sega Of America not touching Valkyria Chronicles glitch

By Heath | June 26, 2008 at 11:38 pm

Valkyria Chronicles, which was known as Senjou no Varukyria (Valkyrie of the Battlefield) in Japan, has a well-documented glitch. I was prompted to search for info on this after I became a victim of it. After clearing the story battle in chapter 10, the game froze, giving me just a black screen to stare at. Unable to reset or any other such thing, the only option was to turn off the system. Finding this strange, I took to the internet, and found out I was definitely not alone. This has happened to plenty of people, for no apparent reason; and when it strikes, trying to clear the battle from a mid-battle save is not sufficient, as the glitch will strike again. One must re-enter the potentially very long, tricky battle from the beginning. Wondering if this would be fixed in time for the North American release, I contacted an overall indifferent Sega of America about the matter.
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Valkyria Chronicles character profiles

By Heath | April 14, 2008 at 7:34 pm

We’ve been sprinkling the ‘Tube with character profiles from the upcoming PS3 strategy RPG Valkyria Chronicles (Japanese title: Valkyrie of the Battlefield). Check ’em out:
Alicia | Zaka | Isara | Welkin | Largo | Rosie

Valkyrie of the Battlefield now Valkyria Chronicle, coming to America, Europe

By Heath | February 25, 2008 at 4:47 pm

Sega announced today that the PS3 strategy RPG known as Valkyrie of the Battlefield (shipping April 24 in Japan) will be coming to Europe and North America this fall, under the title of Valkyria Chronicles. We’ve got a pile of screenshots — some exclusive, even — and downloadable videos in our archived coverage of this game, and just because we like freedom, we also uploaded some of those videos to that there YouTube thingamabob.

Valkyrie of the Battlefield: 1 trailer, 23 exclusive-ish screens, launch details

By Heath | January 18, 2008 at 1:01 pm

Download a brand new, story-centric trailer here, and/or enjoy screens from it below. (Details on the special edition box follow the media.)

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Valkyrie of the Battlefield: detailed gameplay/tutorial movie

By Heath | November 20, 2007 at 3:03 pm

Click here to download the new, detailed movie. It’s a big one.

Valkyrie of the Battlefield: new screens

By Heath | November 12, 2007 at 4:42 am

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Valkyrie of the Battlefield gameplay video

By Heath | September 20, 2007 at 11:00 pm

A new, live gameplay video taken at the Tokyo Game Show lets viewers see exactly how Valkyrie of the Battlefield plays, which looks like a combination of an action and tactical RPG. Download it here.
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Sega’s previously mysterious PS3 RPG revealed as Valkyrie of the Battlefield

By Heath | September 20, 2007 at 12:05 pm

RPG Land reported here a while ago, showing screenshots of an upcoming RPG for PS3 being worked on by Sega. Now, we can tell you the game’s name is Valkyrie of the Battlefield, and that its official Japanese website is here. The game is listed as having a Japanese release date in 2008, but no North American release is currently planned. Game Trailers recently put up a video of the game right here.

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