Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Playstation 2
Reviewed: 8/3/03
The whole Arc the Lad series missed the boat
a while back due to bad timing and stubborn people. In Japan, this
series was a big hit, but here in North America at that time, period
people where like, "Arc who wha?" For years, publishers were not sure if it was a good plan to release
the series into the states. Working Designs finally
decided to release a
bundle called Arc the Lad Collection for PlayStation. This collection
had parts I, II, III, a bonus battle arena Arc game and a "making
of" CD. Fans of the series had reason to get excited when Sony decided
to continue the tradition by bringing over the PS2 sequel.
Twilight of the Spirits tells a story that takes place a
couple years after Arc the Lad III, but with new characters
and new environments. In this tale, there are two sides battling
for supremacy, Humans and Deimos. This tale puts you through the
life of two brothers, Kharg (the Human) and Darc (the Deimos). As
you play though the game you learn more about the brothers'
lives and you switch back and forth between playing each main character
as each chapter passes. Both Kharg and Darc meet up with allies
that help them out on their quests as you determine the fate of
their world and watch how their fates intertwine.
"Charge!" |
Twilights of the Spirits is a strategic RPG, with elements very
similar to such games like Breath
of Fire: Dragon Quarter. The main thing about this games
battle system that makes it score so high is because of its simplicity.
Even non-RPG players can quickly pick up and get use to its system.
Depending on your characters' stats, there is a blue area which
indicates where you can walk and then when you select an attack
action, the red area indicates the range of your attack, making
for some very strategic matches. The great thing about this system
is the fact that you are free to run around anywhere within the
boundaries indicated and you can change your mind at anytime before
going a head with an attack.
Another cool feature in this game is a "tension meter" that allows
for a huge amount of damage to be unleashed. When a character is
"emotionally charged" (ticked off) and positioned right, you can
execute a team attack with the other person that in most cases (when
it's not an ending boss) will kill the foe instantly.
But what's an RPG without magic? Well in this game, spirit stones
make it possible. They are magical stones that let the characters
perform magic attacks. There is also "summoning" type attacks that
lend a hand to your heroes and dish out destruction in the process.
Kharg has his ship called, Big Owl and Darc has his pet pyron. When
you receive these "summons," you can level up the strength of their
attacks, the amount of times they strike and their status with appropriate
Team attacks are cool! |
Okay so that's how the game plays in battle, but what about outside
of battle? Twilight looks and plays very similar to games like Final
Fantasy Tactics because the game has you controlling the main character
(whether it is Darc or Kharg) on a map that is very linear. You
go from point A to B and that's it. The only cool thing about the linear map is
the fact that you get to travel back and forth between locales on
the fly.
The most recognizable thing about Twilight of the Spirits
is the attention to detail in its environments. The landscapes are
very comparable to games like Final Fantasy X. Even though
this game only has in-game story scenes and not CG cinemas, it still
looks very pleasing. The characters themselves, however,
don't match the quality that the background has, which is a problem,
but doesn't hurt the game's overall look too much. In battles, the
special attacks have good graphic effects like Kharg's "Wind Blade
Waltz" and "Wind Blade Fury." Also Bebedora's "Dark Extreme" has
a pretty nice visual presentation to it. The soundtrack is nice to listen to and changes as the pace of the game changes.
From climatic to soft and soothing. this game is a gem to listen
Twilight of the Spirits is a good game that carries the
Arc the Lad series proudly into the new era. If you don't
buy it, it's worth a good rental. The game is packed with a lot
of extras like hidden characters, and items in the arena's that
will keep you playing well after its dramatic conclusion.
-Q Jets