MEGA REVIEW, MEGA PICS : 4.29.05: Hey gang. Today we take a look at Megaman X Command Mission for the playstation 2, to see how it stacks up against other RPG's. Also some fan pics are posted in our fan art section drawn by a fellow board member Rika. Scroll right down you'll see em'. Remember if you have any cool pics you want on the site feel free to email us and get some recognition for it. We love to see what you can do!
Congratulations go out to our Spring RPG giveaway winners btw... ;)
1:25 am/Central Time
-Q Jets
Guild Wars & Stella Deus Honored: 4.28.05: Stella Deus is available at your local game shop right now, and Guild Wars is being shipped to stores all over North America AND Europe today. In honor of these 2 games hitting shelves, we've tweaked each one's wallpaper page.
Our Guild Wars section has more than doubled in size. We used to have 10 wallpapers in it, now we have 26 Guild Wars Wallpapers. And you'll find more sizes available for the Stella Deus section (except for #2...we couldn't get more sizes of #2 for some reason). So if you were discouraged by our only having 1600x1200 last time you checked, go look at our Stella Deus Wallpapers again.
Both of these games have some sweet non-wallpaper media, too. Check the Stella Deus preview I posted back on the 15th for some neat screens and movies, and look at the official Guild Wars site to see amazing videos of gameplay, and the climactic end of the last beta weekend.
8:33 am/Central Time
And the winnners are...: 4.27.05: The results are in! Did you win a free game in our Spring RPG Giveaway? Click here to see the winners. Big thanks to all who entered!
12:19 am/Central Time
Get Ready...: 4.25.05: We're assembling the entries from the contest, and the winners will be announced soon. Watch the site and your inbox to see if we'll be sending you a free game!
Edit on 4/26: Okay, we've got the entries sorted and we're ready to draw the winners! Results will be posted tonight at midnight! Get excited!
12:10 am/Central Time
Wind Waker Review and original midis: 4.24.05: Hey guys, well I've been in and out here but I'll post what I can now and more later. Orie finished a review of Wind Waker that can be found here. Our friend Vile also sent in some new midis of his to post. Go check them out!
10:45 am/Central Time
Hold on a bit, things are coming: 4.23.05: I have some updates to post but having some difficulty. Connection has been dying and I had to use dialup to play football last night. ARGH! Well anyway, I have some stuff to post so hopefully this thing stays. STAY TUNED!
11:15 am/Central Time
Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren oh my!: 4.18.05: Hey guys, wanted to add to the wallpaper updates with a World of Warcraft update. I've added 27 official World of Warcraft wallpapers.
4:05 pm/Central Time
News and Wallpapers: 4.18.05: The Week in Review is here with news about Uetmatsu, Dungeon Lords, Infinity Empire, and Tales of Legendia. Read the news!
Also, our wallpaper section-revival continues, with 28 Final Fantasy XI Wallpapers and 18 Lineage II Wallpapers. Enjoy.
More reviews, previews, wallpapers and RPG music are on the way this week.
If you haven't yet, you'd better enter our Spring RPG Giveaway and win yourself a free game.
12:05 am/Central Time
Stella!: 4.15.05: Before it ships in May, read our brand new Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity Preview. You can also check out some neat Stella Deus wallpapers here. To quote Ned Flanders, "Oh can't you hear me yella? You're puttin' me through hella. Stella. Stella!" Indeed, Ned, indeed.
As a bonus, we've compiled a few Grandia II wallpapers. Enjoy.
1:03 am/Central Time
News and Retro Review: 4.11.05: There's a tastey review of 2 classic RPGs that are anything but stale (...or ARE they?) with Orie's Dragon Warrior I & II Retro Review (Game Boy Color). Before you scream and shout, remember to read our criteria so you know our scoring system. Also, this week's Week in Review has RPG news about Ultima Online, Phantasy Star Universe, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and more. More updates to come soon. Bye.
4:40 pm/Central Time
By Request: 4.7.05: We send our sincere thanks to all of you who've been giving us feedback. In response, I have a few wallpapers to post today. I was told Castlevania was the most requested, so here you go. We don't plan on stopping here, so keep sending requests. And for those of you wondering, yes, the anime section is coming back soon.
+21 Castlevania Series Wallpapers
+4 Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga Wallpapers
+20 Golden Sun 1 & 2 Wallpapers
1:13 pm/Central Time
News and Pretty Pictures: 4.5.05: This week's Week in Review has RPG news about a new Square Enix game, a pair of N-Gage RPGs, and other neat things. Many images also lie within.
2:00 am/Central Time
Free Games: 4.3.05: As I posted yesterday, we're starting our giveaway now. Entries are being accepted, effective immediately. All you need to do is answer a few questions and you'll be entered into a random drawing to win a prize from Atlus, Mythic, Sega, Sony, or Square Enix. Click here to view the contest rules and prizes.
Spring has sprung, and a new RPG is a great way to kick off the season =)
5:23 pm/Central Time
Grandia 3: 3.30.05: Our general pattern is to report all our RPG news on the weekends in The Week in Review, but this announcement is HUGE; Square Enix has announced production of Grandia III for PlayStation 2. There aren't very many details known yet, but the game will be out in Japan this summer, and main characters' names have been revealed to be Yuuki (16, male), Alfina (16, Female), and Emerius (male, unknown age). Character design will be by You Yoshinari (known for Valkyrie Profile) and it will be directed by the same man who directed Grandia II, Hidenobu Takahashi. Like previous games, up to 4 characters will be present in your battle parties. The Week in Review will keep you posted further. Click the images below to see larger versions. Isn't mid-week news exciting? :)
You can see all 12 of our Grandia III scans here!
11:19: am/Central Time
RPG News, Of Course: 3.29.05: Read a week's worth of RPG news in our Week in Review. It's got headlines about Nobuo Uematsu's Music, Phantasy Star Universe, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Final Fantasy XI, and more.
4:20 am/Central Time
Twin Wallpapers and Twin Reviews: 3.24.05: The highlight of this update is the Xenosaga II Review done by yours truly. Then we had a lovely collection of Xenosaga II Wallpapers to complement it. There are 15 awesome wallpapers there in various resolutions for you. Have a look.
It's always good to remember your roots and learn from the past. Thus we bring you a retro-review of 1998's Legend of Legaia. Not being left out, Legaia was also added to the Wallpapers section.
Note: This is an edit of a previous update post
12:02 am/Central Time
RPGs... : 3.20.05: What do Nippon Ichi, Phantasy Star,
Namco, Samurai Legend Musashi, and the PSP all have in common?....Well
nothing really....but they do make a great Week
in Review package. :D
1:25 am/Central Time
-Q Jets
RPGLAND Exclusive
Wallpaper: 3.16.05: Hey everyone,
I just finished uploading 22 RPGLAND-exclusive wallpapers from back
in the day from our former artist, 526. Check them out the wallpaper
section. Alot more wallpapers are on the way so stay tuned!
And Eric finally finished a new Week in Review, detailing cool news about the games you're most looking forward to.
1:23 am/Central Time
Don't Cry for Me: 3.9.05: Sega is almost ready to unleash Shining Tears in the US. Find out what the game will be like with Jacob Fernandez's preview.
Edit on 3/10 at 12:56 am: Also just added the best collection of Xenosaga wallpapers you'll ever find to our growing section. Seriously, check that page out. You'll be impressed.
10:44 pm/Central Time
Shining Desktop: 3.9.05: Just put up a trio of Shining Tears wallpapers. Jacob will have his preview ready tomorrow, so come back and read it when he does.
1:10 am/Central Time
News and Wallpapers: 3.6.05: I make good on my promises. Go read about Dragon Quest 8, Shining Tears, a hot upcoming GBA game and much more in the Week in Review! It also has a special treat you won't find anywhere else, 53 RPG Land-exclusive Shining Force Neo sreenshots! They're new, hot, and all ours. Click the link to check them out.
Finally, I put up those wallpapers I said I'd post. They're not of a cutting edge new title, but a 2001 favorite, Final Fantasy X. It's part of our wallpaper-section-rebuilding project. Come back often to see the section grow.
4:35 am/Central Time
Wallpapers Added: 3.5.05: Hey. Just added some wallpapers before I do the Week in Review tomorrow. There's a new Musashi Samurai Legend page and 2 more wallpapers were added to the Guild Wars section. They're pretty cool.
Tomorrow, I'll post the Week in Review (weekly RPG news update) and even more wallpapers for you. Till then!
6:39 pm/Central Time