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Half-Minute Hero getting spiritual sequel

By Heath | April 27, 2010 at 10:56 pm

RPG Land’s PSP game of the Year 2009 will be seeing a spiritual successor come forth this July in Japan.  Entitled Jikan de Phantasia, this 2D side-scrolling action RPG will feature the ability to preset one’s own play time. Want to game, but only have 3 minutes on the bullet train? Set your play time to three minutes; the game will then generate a full session of play to cater to the gamer’s time constraints (dungeon, boss, ending — the works), making it, by the estimations of developer Opus Studio, an ideal portable game. Check out publisher Idea Factory’s official site here. As a newly announced game, it is not yet known if it will make it to North America.

Topics: Jikan de Phantasia, Opus Studio