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RPG Deals 10/7 – 10/13

By Russ | October 7, 2012 at 1:28 pm

Deals lately have been like panning for gold…

Lots of searching and low payoff in the 21st century.

There’s nothing to report on this week.  So let’s talk about something that is changing in today’s gaming society: limited edition games.

I love me some Zone of the Enders.  It’s a really nice ass-kicking giant robot game.  When I saw the limited edition on pre-order with a bonus soundtrack the pre-order button was clicked and the game will be on its way to me upon release.  I’m glad to have placed the pre-order because now the LE for Zone of the Enders is sold out on Amazon.  If this sounds familiar to you, it’s because the same thing happened with Persona 4: The Golden and Borderlands 2.  While Zone of the Enders and Persona 4: the Golden have not been released yet, pre-sells for the titles are double the MSRP at this point.  The Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest is almost double the original MSRP.

While it’s still a crapshoot as to which titles are definitely going to shoot up in value, the trend of late has seen companies getting either smarter with the LEs or tighter with the cash.  If you are the type of person interested in the bonus material these versions provide then it’s time to start paying attention.  Moreover, past LEs which collected dust are now starting to go up in value.

In case you are thinking this has suddenly become a column about price speculation; calm down.  The goal of this column is to save money.  It may be cheaper to pre-order the game you want right away than wait and lose out.  Of course this advice only applies to gamers who want these special editions for their content – everyone else would be better off waiting for the regular edition to go down in price.  Which is what I normally do and recommend.

I’ll be honest; it’s not the best advice, but as a guy who occasionally wants the bonus stuff with his games – such as Zone of the Enders pretty awesome soundtrack – it’s something to keep in mind when shopping.

Happy Hunting.

Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Deals may stop at any time. Prices in each store may differ depending on location. You can try different stores to mitigate price differences, and always ask if a store has the item before leaving the store. You might be able to get a raincheck. Many deals are both in-store and online. This column brought to you by Dat Vita – still needs hooked up.

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