-Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
- A Sacrifice
- Blue Fields
- Eyes On Me
- Find Your Way
- Fisherman’s Horizon
- Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
- Game Over
- Love Theme
- Maybe I’m a Lion
- Shuffle or Boogie
- The Oath
- The Spy
- Wounded
-Final Fantasy IX (PS)
- Alexandria
- Aloha de Chocobo
- Black Mage Village
- Dissipating Sorrow
- Freya’s Theme
- Iifa Tree
- Melodies of Life + Final Fantasy
- Over The Hill (World Map)
- Secret Library, Daguerreo
- Song of Memory
- Terra
- Vamo’ Alla Flamenco
-Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Battle
- Boss Battle
- Seymour’s Theme
- Seymour Battle
- Silence Before the Storm
- Someday the Dream Will End
- Suteki Da Ne
- Thunder Plateau
- To Zanarkand
- Wandering Flames
- Welcoming of Maika
-Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
-Final Fantasy XI (PC, PS2)
-Final Fantasy Tactics (PS)
- Alazlam
- Alma
- Anxiety
- Attack at Orbonne
- Battle Preparations
- Battle On The Bridge
- Beoulve Home
- Bethla Garrison
- Chruch Battle
- Delita
- Ending
- Holy Angelica
- Memories
- Pain
- Prologue
- Zodiac Battle
-Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
-Grandia (PS, Saturn)
- Alent
- Battle Theme 1
- Battle Theme 2
- Ending
- End of the World
- End of the World (piano)
- Ganbo
- Justin and Feena
- Laine
- Main Theme
- Opening
-Grandia II (DC, PC, PS2)
-Grandia Xtreme(PS2)
-Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth (PS)
-Ico (PS2)
-Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
-Lufia (SNES)
- Air Falcon
- Attacked by Monsters
- Battle
- Black Market
- Boss
- Castle
- Cave
- Dead
- Destroyed Town
- Doom Island
- Fan Fare
- Gate Journey
- Guard Daos
- Inn
- Introduction
- Kingdom of Alekia
- Port Town
- Reunion
- Shop
- Sinistral
- The 4 Sinistrals
- The Sorrow of Parting
- Tower
- Tragedy
-Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)
-Ogre Battle (SNES)
-Paladin’s Quest (SNES)
-Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
-Phantasy Star Online (DC)