Wild ARMs 4 Journal, Day 9:
- Holy friggin…it’s been a while. Anyway, I’ve got a crapload of media from my run through the game on my hard drive (beat it just before writing the review), so I got off my lazy carcass and renamed/uploaded some of it today.
- MOVIE CLIP TIME! Here’s one example of how the Wild ARMs 4 dungeons work. I capped a movie of me solving an easy puzzle for demonstration purposes and so people wouldn’t get completely lost.
–Mini-puzzle, clip part 1. Here, I found myself in a room with a sword, two platforms, and four switches. I needed this sword for another room in the dungeon so I had to get it out of here somehow. What had to be done was figure out what each swtch does, then raise the sword up completely, then raise the other halfway so that Jude could still get out of the lower part of the room by jumping.
–Mini-puzzle, clip part 2 After taking the sword to the room where I needed it and raising the sword to the switch in a similar way, I was in business. - I put up some new screenshots from this same general part of the game, too. Aren’t I swell? We’ll see if I can pull this off a few more times soon.