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PS3 Tales Games in English: A Call to Arms

By Heath | November 13, 2010 at 8:03 am

Hey RPGLand, let’s try and get some PS3 Tales games in English.
I don’t know about you but I need some new Tales games for a console; the silence in the face of Vesperia and Graces getting upgraded PS3 versions is frustrating.  I understand it with Graces, since it’s not even out in Japan yet, but the PS3 Vesperia came out over a year ago.

But no publisher will bring a game to a new territory if they don’t think it can sell.  Internet petitions are generally laughable, so let’s do something a little different.  The internet has evolved a bit since the days of online petitions, and every big company is using Twitter.  So let Namco Bandai know that you’d buy a PS3 Tales game by hitting them on their Twitter.  Stay with me now — shut up.  I know it’s got a low chance of success but I don’t want to die wondering “What if…?”

Get on Twitter and post this:

@NamcoGames + @namcobandai I would buy Tales games for PS3.

They can and will ignore 5 of these. They can and will ignore 500 of these. Heck, they could reasonably shrug off 20,000 of these. But how much is too much? Will it take 50,000? 750,000? Eleventy million? There has to be a breaking point somewhere, does there not?

So let’s do it. And tell your friends to do it. And post it on message boards and encourage others to do it. Retweet it. You are part of the English RPG audience and your voice is important.

Again, I realize the low chances of this having any effect and I feel hesitant to even start something like this. But this will only take 5 seconds and is worth a try. For the sake of the RPG community, let’s try and get some of the new PS3 Tales games in English.

I just let the first one fly.  I hope it’s far from the last.

Edit, thanks to Sal for the tip that @Namcogames seems to update more than @namcobandai.  So whatever, hit ’em both with one shot, I suppose!

Topics: Namco Bandai, Tales of Graces, Tales of Vesperia