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Wild ARMs 5 10th Anniversary Edition revealed (Updated: 8-8-07, 5:00pm)
By Heath | August 7, 2007 at 10:04 pm
It seems Wild ARMs 5 will be getting special treatement in honor of its reaching 10 years of age in North America. To celebrate, XSeed games is decking out preorders with a special artbook featuring illustrations from all five main-series Wild ARMs titles. It is not confirmed whether or not Wild ARMs XF is represented within the art book, as that game is a few days away from Japanese release and currently unannounced for North America.
As of this writing, VGPlus shows the game at $49.99 CDN and does not specify if the only way to get the art book is to preorder, though that is generally how these things go. Also as of now, the deal is not yet mentioned on sites for United States-based retailers, though it’s highly unlikely the deal is Canada-exclusive.
Update:?We’ve?now?received?official?word?from?XSeed?that?all launch units of Wild?ARMs?5?will?include?the?special?edition?extras, and the package will still retail in the United States for $39.99.
Original Source: VGPlus
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