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RPG Deals for 2/22 – 2/28
By Russ | February 22, 2009 at 2:53 pm
My special brand of ignorance is now yours.
Hello RPG Land! If you’ve been visiting the The RPG Observer, then you might be familiar with the column before you. If you have not been to The RPGO or have no idea why this is taking up space, then here’s the skinny: Every week I find new deals in order to save you money on RPGs. I am an equal oppurtunity platform supporter, and my love of gaming knows only financial bounds – hence this column. I shop around the local stores trying to find what is on sale or on clearance, and I am an avid supporter of online merchants who sell things cheap.
My first tip is an obvious one. Amazon.com has a ‘Deal of the Day’ for every section on their website. Click on the video game section to the left of the page when you arrive, and the ‘Deal’ advertisement should be on the right of the newly loaded page. Or just bookmark the video game page.
Amazon has had some pretty good deals crop up there. I’ve personally picked up several RPGs from that specific listing. Last year they put Dragon Quest IV on the DS up a week or two after it shipped for $20. I’m hoping this repeats itself with Dragon Quest V on the same system this year.
Speaking of Amazon, Monday the 23rd starts off their Gold Box PS2 deals. Amazon will put PS2 games and stuff on sale throughout the day. In the past they’ve sold Eternal Poison, Dokapon Kingdom, Persona 3 and others at decent sale prices. Eternal Poison was $15 during one of these sales.
Finally, Amazon has this week’s release of Star Ocean: The Last Hope at $57. While that’s not a terrific savings off it’s $60 price tag, it does have free shipping and is tax free for most of the United States. A little patience will save you between $6 and $8 dollars of an after sales tax price tag.
Circuit City has entered a new phase of their liquidation. All video games are 50% off right now. There’s still some decent titles to be had as well. Just double-check the title against other stores if possible; many games still carry a full price tag at Circuit City and are less expensive elsewhere even after the discount.
Target has a clearance section for electronics at the back endcap in each media section. Sometimes the endcap is with the books, but most of the time it sits behind the stereo section. The clearance section is always on a back endcap, though. It never faces the front of the store. As a result, most people don’t know it is there. A shame for the regular customers, but good for you. 360’s The Last Remnant is around $30, Final Fantasy IV on the DS is around $28, and Too Human is around $20. I use the term ‘around’ since Target’s clearance prices are not always the same. Bear in mind these prices may go down this week, as Target updates the prices between Monday and Wednesday.
Best Buy has a funny sale going on at some of their stores. Certain games are 50% off at one location, and between 15% to 65% off at others. The titles vary as well, but I did catch The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates for $20 after their discount.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for the DS still has some heavy marketing behind it. Again, the standard price is $30, but places like Gamestop and Toys R Us often sell it for $35. This happens a lot with first-party Nintendo games. It’s best to buy them from Best Buy or Target and save yourself the $5.
Nintendo’s DSi gets released on April 5th this year. I’ve personally been wanting to upgrade for some time now and now’s the time for me. If you are interested in one, pre-order it. It is, quite honestly, a pain in the butt to find half of Nintendo’s hardware due to popularity. The Wii is in stock at a lot of stores right now, but that took three years to happen. Wii Fit still sells out consistently, and I won’t speak of Mario Kart‘s in-stock availability. Just save yourself the trouble and take care of it now if you want it. I recommend viable online retailers – see if you can get free shipping from it and save the money on tax as well.
That’s it for this week. If anyone has suggestions or wants to call me a liar, I’ll open a thread in the forums in the RPG/Video Game Discussion forum. Until then, happy hunting!
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has it before writing them off. You might be able to get a raincheck. A lot of these deals are in-store only, except where specified.
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