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Japanese RPG releases: J-Shop Watch February

By Heath | February 8, 2010 at 10:31 pm

February’s RPG releases in Japan are looking pretty big.
Released on the 4th of this month were Namco Bandai’s God Eater for PSP and Star OCean: The Last Hope International for PS3. The former has been compared to Monster Hunter, while the latter was the subject of a bit of controversy among Xbox 360 owners in Japan. With news of that and Tales of Vesperia having moved to PlayStation 3, some RPG-lovers were miffed.

The 10th will see the release of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel for the 360 and PS3. The Land of the Rising Sun won’t be getting the PC version.

Feb. 18 will let two PSP RPGs into the wild: Nippon Ichi’s 2D love-in Classic Dungeon and Kadokawa’s Legend of a Hero’s Legend: Legendary Saga.

The 25th is when the DS will have its fun, with four DS RPGs coming out. Dungeon crawler fans can welcome a new Shiren game into the fold with Shiren the Wanderer 4; Shiren’s most recent adventure on the Wii (Shiren 3) is due out soon in North America and recently reeived PSP port treatment in Japan. Jaleco will tell the story of a young wizard in Wizman’s World . Super Robot Taisen fans get plenty more of the bouncing chest action so overused in the DS’s last SRT title, as Super Robot Taisen: Exceed is due out. Finally, Neverland and Square Enix will be releasing the revision of Lufia II known as Estopolis: The Land Cursed by the Gods (Lufia DS) on that day.

Also on the 25th, Xbox 360 fans in Japan can finally get Borderlands. The PC version is already out and the PS3 version hasn’t yet been confirmed for JP release.

The Wii doesn’t have any new RPGs coming out in Japan this month, but three Wii titles are being re-released as part of the “Everyone’s Wii Favorites” (greatest hits) line on the 25th: Tales of Symphonia 2, Muramasa, and Arc Rise Fantasia.

Topics: Arc Rise Fantasia, Classic Dungeon, God Eater, Legendary Saga, Lufia DS, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, Shiren the Wanderer 4, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Wizman's World