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RPG Land Called It: Square Enix Announcement Not Shocking
By Heath | May 29, 2010 at 5:55 pm
The internet was abuzz with rumors, theories, dreams, and speculation about Square Enix USA’s next announcement, which an employee discussed on her Twitter, saying many people would be “shocked and stoked.” RPG Land, ever the voice of reason, told people it was not going to be a new game, but that the most likely game to be revealed would be a North American release of Four Warriors of Light. Well, we were right. Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light, selling for $35, will arrive in North America Oct.5 , 2010, almost a year after its Japanese release. See Janelle’s review of the game here. Also dig its official website. This is a solid game, but appeared on incredibly few of the dream lists that were popping up. Next time, be careful not to overhype yourself, internet. Furthermore, don’t let your romantic fantasies of not-yet-existant games blur your vision to the good titles that are right in front of you. …Which might be hard, with the other yet-mysterious Project X still looming on the horizon.
Topics: Hikari No Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden (Four Warriors of Light), RPG Land Kicks Someone's Ass