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RPG Deals 6/6 – 6/12
By Russ | June 6, 2010 at 2:42 pm
There is a ‘buy one game get 40% off a second game’ on all PS3 and 360 titles at Toys R Us this week in stores only. It wasn’t in the papers – TRU sent this out as an e-mail blast.
TRU puts forth the best deal this week, although Demon’s Souls $30 price tag at Amazon.com is pretty keen.
As much fun and/or hate I direct at GameStop, the chain of stores really has been trucking forth with online-exclusive deals. I recently picked up new copies of God of War III, Nier, and Hexyz Force for $100 using some online coupons, essentially getting Hexyz Force for free. The coupons have expired, but these deals seem to be fairly common. Do check back with them often.
Also check out Kmartgamer.com. This is the location which has announcements for K-Marts deals. K-Mart has been stepping it up lately – the chain has run deals of Alpha Protocol, Nier, and Resonance of Fate in the recent past.
Play-Asia has an English language version of Magna Carta 2 available for $15, but the game only works on Japanese 360s – possibly of interest to any America citizens gaming abroad. Tears to Tiara on the PS3 has been released as a PlayStation the Best title, bringing it down to $32. PS3 titles tend to be region free and capable of playing anywhere. You can help out the site by ordering through the link on the left. Thank you for those doing so, by the way.
That’s all I got this week. Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Deals may stop and any time. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has the item before leaving the store. You might be able to get a raincheck. Many deals are in-store only, except where specified.
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