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Handheld RPG Scans 10/14
By Heath | October 14, 2012 at 5:50 am
Some of the thumbnails are flipped, but the larger images that you’re clicking are fine. Here are scans of 20 different RPGs for 3DS, PSP, Vita, and even af ew for phone thingies.
Atelier Totori Plus (Vita)
Sol Trigger (PSP)
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (3DS)
Gundam Age: Universal Accel (PSP)
Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees (Vita)
Tiny Battlers eXperience W (PSP, Vita)
SD Gundam G-Generation Overworld (PSP)
Final Fantasy Legends (Mobile)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (Vita, iOS, Android)
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki Evolution (Vita)
Valhalla Knights III [left side] and Muramasa [right side] (Vita)
Dragon Quest: Terry’s Wonderland 3D Masters GP Event (3DS)
Unchain Blade Exxiv (PSP, 3DS)
RPG Land on Twitter and Facebook earns negative 7 out of great.
All scans via Famitsu and Dengeki magazines.
Topics: Atelier Totori: Alchemists of Arland 2, Famitsu updates, Ys Celceta