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RPG Deals 2/23 – 3/1
By Russ | February 24, 2014 at 3:59 am
The Late Show.
This column is late because I have no concept of time.
Best Buy is offering 20% off of Nintendo’s eShop cards, which can be used to buy a variety of RPGs.
Target is offering a $30 gift card with purchases of 3DS XL systems.
Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Deals may stop at any time. Prices in each store may differ depending on location. You can try different stores to mitigate price differences, and always ask if a store has the item before leaving the store. I don’t think stores do rainchecks any more. Many deals are both in-store and online. This column brought to you by Strider. Jump, dammit.
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