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Shop Watch September 2016
By Russ | August 28, 2016 at 8:12 pm
Wrapping up August and moving onto September.
Eh, sometimes I miss titles. World of Warcraft: Legion expansion, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt Complete Edition and God Eater Burst 2: Rage Burst hit shelves this week on August 30.
The week of September 4 sees The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II. Like the previous release of Trails in the Sky; data from the first game carries over into the second. Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition also has a release date this week. This version includes all 4 expansion packs.
The 3DS version of Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past hits on September 16. That’s… what, 100 hours of life to lose? Just for the main story? Daddy like. Around that same time, cutesy game MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death is scheduled for the Vita.
September actually ends on some relatively high notes. The Destiny: Rise of Iron expansion launches the last week, along with Shin Megami Tensei IV sequel Apocalypse.
October continues a lot of this momentum, but November has Pokemon, so explosion. Final Fantasy XV is also delayed two months. One of the reasons stated was due to a heavy day one patch Square-Enix wished to avoid; but I have a feeling it has more to do with the PS4 Neo. We’ll know September 7 upon the Neo press conference.
Topics: Shop Watch