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Shop Watch September
By Russ | September 23, 2019 at 12:10 am
The end of summer brings games which Switch it up.
Ni no Kuni hit Switches and PCs this month. This is an amazing game and it makes me happy to hear it is on more consoles.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne also hit shelves on PS4, Xbone and PC. Monster Hunter has always been a guilty and time-consuming pleasure so I have stayed away from it. World has brought me into it with its overhaul of the series while still retaining its core gameplay.
Dragon Quest XI S is released on the 27th. This version has more features than its PS4 release and contains what is essentially the 3DS version as an option. DQXI sits with its shiny e-peen of a platinum trophy on my PS4.
Code Vein is out the same date. It’s anime Dark Souls and a demo is available if you’d like to dispute that.
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