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This side up: Namco Bandai announces Fragile

By Heath | November 20, 2007 at 1:39 pm

A couple of days ago, Namco Bandai made an announcement that a big announcement was coming, and announced that the announcement would actually come in the form of one initial announcement followed by smaller announcements that would, as a whole, announce its newest RPG. Today, the announcement has come forth as Fragile, an RPG for Nintendo Wii about exploring ruins, wherein the moon plays a part as well, though it may just be symbolism.

fragile1.jpg fragile2.jpg

The game is being developed by Tri-Crecendo and the Namco gang that made Venus and Braves (PS2, never released stateside). Further announcements are expected this Friday, with a full official website launch on Nov. 26.

Sources: Jeux-France, NeoGAF

Topics: Fragile