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Meet the characters of Valkyria Chronicles 2 (plus gameplay info)

By Janelle | September 3, 2009 at 10:11 am

With this batch of 30 screens comes some character profiles and gameplay information. Profiles first:


First up, this red-headed guy. Avan Hadens? Aban Hardens? Alvin Haydens? Who knows, at this point? We’ll go with “Avan” because it sounds less stupid. The protagonist of the story, viewed as hot-headed by his peers. He was transferred out of his former class, so he doesn’t know anyone yet.


Next is simply “Jerry.” No last name or anything. One of the persecuted Darcs people, Jerry has a cool and calm exterior, but keeps his firey side hidden from others. Since he’s a very rational and logical individual, he clashes with Avan frequently.


Cosset Kolhas, blond medic extraordinaire, wants to be a doctor someday. She’s very clumsy, but always in a bright, happy mood and can always make others laugh. She’s also apparently a troublemaker.


The skinny Valkyria’s name is either Erias or Alias. She appears younger than Avan and company, and is possibly being used as a tool of war.


Finally, a new kind of enemy troop is revealed: the Man-made Valkyria. They are suits that can mimic the raw power of the Valkyria. Even an ordinary soldier, when wearing the suit, can fight with a Valkyria spear and shield. Their power is immense enough to turn the tide of a battle, so someone is trying to mass-produce them.


Moving on to the gameplay information we can gain from these new screens, the officer with the eyepatch is back, ready to whip students into shape at the training grounds. However, in this game, it is characters are leveled up and trained, not classes. This is because characters can change classes from one to the next, as long as conditions are met and “credit” (as in school credits) is expended. In these screens, for example, Avan can class change from a Scout to either an Advanced Scout or a Sniper. Lots of subclasses can be unlocked, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.


The Research and Development center returns in Valkyria 2, and tank customization is more extensive. Many different models of tank can be used, and their weaponry and armor are customizable, as is the camouflage. These screenshots also show a strange, yet-unexplained “Carry” parameter. Perhaps some tanks can be used as transportation vehicles, to ferry more fragile soldiers through enemy fire?

In the Tactics Room, players can take on different missions, which change according to the passage of in-game months. Naturally, all missions have different parameters, such as time limits, how many troops can be used, and victory/loss conditions. “Story,” “Key,” and “Free” labels are placed on each mission according to whether it’s important to the story, or if it’s re-doable like the skirmishes from the first game. Just like in the first game, after accepting a mission, players are taken to the Briefing Room to receive intelligence on the mission, such as overhead maps, enemy placement, and strategies, after which units can be placed.

Finally, there are screens of three facilities that haven’t yet been explained: a sports arena, a courtyard and a store. The last one has obvious in-game applications, but we’ll just have to wait and see on the other two.



Source: GPara

Topics: Sega, Valkyria Chronicles 2