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RPG Deals 10/25 – 10/31
By Russ | October 25, 2009 at 1:36 pm
Best Buy is doing a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Free’ on all PS3, 360 and Wii games. This column is doing a shower scene. Which one will you choose?
The Best Buy ad is easy to miss – there’s a small header on their video game page. Take the flier with you as well just in case an employee tells you ‘No’ for some reason.
Target has some PC games on sale this week. Champions Online and WoW: Wrath of the Lich King are $40 and $30 respectively.
Last week Target accidentally had the Fallout 3: Game of the Year edition for $40 on their website. The deal was only available in stores. When I went to Target, I was told the deal was incorrect and could not be used.
Well, screw Target. I printed out the ad and went to Sears, who not only price-matched the game, but gave an additional $2 off for doing so. Final total was $40.27 for a just-released game. Woot.
Amazon.com was supposed to do a Gold Box event on Wii today, but it looks like a goof up. I’ll be trying again every day this week. Their Gold Box deals tend to be pretty good.
No one cared about last week’s photo, but I rather like the idea of throwing random RPG nudity into conversation. So below is a scene from Cosmic Fantasy 2 for the Turbo-Grafx 16 or TurboDuo.
I love Cosmic Fantasy 2 for several other reasons, but the above sure helped. While my friends were playing Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II, I had Cosmic Fantasy II and Exile. Sure, Golbez was a badass, but he didn’t kidnap every available female on the planet for his personal harem.
What really made Cosmic Fantasy 2 stand out from RPGs that had much better battle systems was the middle of the game and the ending. Long story short; you killed the end boss, but you never “won.”
It’s a lot like being fanboy with a good job.
Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has it before writing them off. You might be able to get a raincheck. A lot of these deals are in-store only, except where specified.
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