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NCsoft getting serious about Aion cheaters

By Heath | November 24, 2009 at 2:59 am

Following vocal player quittings and criticism, NCsoft is taking steps to crack down on bots and real-money item sellers.

The company has hired longtime designer, developer, gamer, critic, and all purpose MMO guy Scott Jennings to lead a new sort of task force focused on the elimination (or at least as close as possible) of gold farmers and real money item salesfolk. Still looking for more members, this new unit is called the Game Surveillance Unit (GSU).

The job description reads, “Game Surveillance Unit Agents are responsible for monitoring our services to identify individuals that are violating our User Agreements and causing harm to our game services. They are responsible for executing various processes for monitoring the in–game and out-of-game environment for Bots, Farming, RMT, Private Servers, Account Theft, and other ‘cheating’ type behaviors. This position requires the ability to navigate a computerized data entry system and other relevant applications.”

Scott writes biglongdetailed articles about his new gig on his blog and on MMORPG.com in which he talks about all kinds of things. The man uses a lot of links.

Links or no, it will be interesting to see ow big an impact — if any — this has on the Aion community and gameplay within NCsoft’s young MMO.

Source: Aionsource

Topics: Aion, Industry, MMORPGLand, NCSoft