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RPG Deals 1/31 – 2/6

By Russ | January 31, 2010 at 6:46 pm

So K-Mart offers a ‘buy 2 get 1 free’ deal and then manages to be unclear about it?

The eligible games for the K-Mart discount must be between $20 and $30 dollars, and is limited to the games listed in the advertisement. The problem is, half the games listed are $60 and the other half are in the aforementioned price range. I think K-Mart means ‘buy a $60 game, get a $20 – $30 game free; but only on these featured titles.’ In terms of RPGs, the featured titles are Mass Effect 2 for $60, and Fable 2 (non-Platinum Hits, but try for it anyway) and Fallout 3 (non-GOTY edition, but try for it anyway) for the $20 – $30 title.

That’s a lot of text to clarify something possibly in the wrong. It is unfortunate, but the K-Mart employees at the local stores were of no help. So good luck getting a solid answer.

K-Mart also has The Last Remnant (with which my love/hate relationship ended in love) and Infinite Undiscovery on the 360 for $20, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 on the DS for $20 as well.

Toys R Us is offering Mass Effect 2 for $45. Additionally, you can get a $10 gift card for buying Mass Effect 2. The gift card will not be activated right away, but it is something to hold on to for the future.

Target has Advance Wars: Days of Ruin for $15, and Fire Emblem for $21. Both are DS titles and both are on clearance.

GameStop has copies of Atlus’ lesser-known RPG The Dark Spire for $5 brand new. Be warned; hard game is hard.

If you have the ability to ply imports on your PS2, Play-Asia has the Final Mix versions of the Kingdom Hearts series for $35 apiece. Birth by Sleep for the PSP is coming out soon, and it will not be long before it hits North American shores. This would be a fun way to catch up. As usual, click on the RPG Land Store link to help us out.

While not strictly game related, the season of football does bring out a wide selection of new TVs and TV sales. If you are looking for a new TV, be sure to check out some of the deals being advertised this week. I have been looking through the TV deals, but alas – I must wait until later for an HDTV.

That’s all I have for this week. If you catch a deal, let others know via the forum. Happy Hunting.

Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has it before writing them off. You might be able to get a raincheck. A lot of these deals are in-store only, except where specified.

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