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Sony counters new DS announcement with new PSP model (April Fools)

By Heath | April 1, 2010 at 9:10 am

Recently, Nintendo made headlines announcing the 3DS, a new version of the Nintendo DS which will feature 3D visuals. Today, Sony has revealed its counter attack: a PSP camera featuring x-ray vision.

Connecting to the PSP slim models 2000 and 3000 in the same way the existing PSP camera already does, the new version focuses on taking live video as well as images that can, “look through walls and crap like Superman,” in the words of the press release.

Sento Chihiro, president of Scorny Computer Entertainment, said, “I got this idea the other day when I was looking at this hot chick and I was all like ‘Damn, I wish I could see through her shirt and bra.’ I asked my friend Dave about it and he agreed, so I was like ‘Two for two. That’s 100%, suckas.’ We can sell this thing.”

“She had really nice jugs,” he added.


Tenatively called the “PSXXX,” the PSP’s x-ray camera is expected to launch some time this summer in Japan with worldwise release to follow.


Topics: April Fools