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People Are So Fucking Stupid

By Heath | January 12, 2012 at 6:48 pm

So the PlayStation Vita is out, hasn’t sold up to expectations in hardware or software, and people are playing it up like the thing is already dead. Never mind, of course, that the same thing happened with PSP, PS3, and even the 3DS just 6 months ago. Memory loss is a problem, however, as justpushstart.com is happy to play up bullshit news articles about the import price getting a “drastic price drop” at international sales websites. Yeah, you think? We’re talking about an import system. Now close to just a month away from release, the number of people willing to pay $530 for a $250 system is going to go down. Remember the supply and demand lessons in 7th grade? Now that the first rush is over and the North American and European Vita release dates are near, it’s only natural that demand for a super-expensive import will bottom out. Why would you pay $250 extra just to have a Vita for one measly month extra (assuming it ships next-day style)?

But that won’t stop the great hype machine, trying to score easy hits from people who are confused — and there are many — that thing this means something about the NA and EU launches. People on other websites are talking about this article like “Oh no is Sony in trouble!?” Give me a freaking break. Import prices drop drastically on virtually every system as they get closer to localized launches, but people are publishing articles hoping to score hits off the confusion. Classy move, Grant Gaines. So classy.

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