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Used Games Yes, DRM No on PS4. Speak up with #PS4NoDRM #PS4UsedGames

By Heath | May 27, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Don’t want PS4 to be bogged down with the same shitty restrictions the Xbox One has going against it? Then head to Twitter and send Sony a message by using this hashtags: #PS4NoDRM #PS4UsedGames. Let Sony know that you don’t want always-on DRM (requiring your system to connect to the MS servers at least every 24 hours), and that you do want the ability to resell/trade/lend/borrow games. If these things are important to you, throw your voice in with the rest.

Personally, used games lead to me buying more new games. Money’s too tight to take risks at full price, so sometimes, you get a used copy of an interesting-looking game from a bargain bin or something. If that game exceeds your expectations, then when a sequel comes out — or even just a new game from the same company — I am very likely to get it new. Furthermore, it keeps gamers gaming. An inability to play used games would simply result in fewer games played by me, used or new. I might turn away from the hobby entirely, over just a short time. I know the used-game-haters will say that such customers aren’t contributing any money to the business anyway, but tell that to the hundreds of games sitting in my house — most of which were bought new.

I also don’t want my system needing to check in online every 24 hours. I rarely use my game systems for online stuff, so the whole thing is just useless and bothersome to me. I feel like I’m on probation, reporting to my supervising officer, even though I committed no crime. That’s stupid.

At this time, it appears that Sony isn’t following Microsoft down this road, but take 5 seconds to send a tweet saying you’d like things to stay that way.

Topics: Microsoft, Some Bullshit, Sony