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RPG Deals 6/15 – 6/21

By Russ | June 16, 2014 at 12:40 am

At least the one deal is on a good game. 

Dark Souls II is $40 at Best Buy this week.

Normally I would explain the reason why there are so little deals on the RPG market today, but the answer has been in front of my face for a long time: RPGs have been distilled into other games. The RPG concept we grew up with; from the 16-bit generation to the PS2-Xbox-Gamecube Trinity has changed dramatically with the leap to the PS3 and 360. The glorious PC master race has been a slave to fluidity in games for years, and titles such as Fallout and Elder Scrolls, which made their place (and still do) on PCs have come to consoles offering the FPS crowd a game easier to transition into than Final Fantasy, Persona, or even the Tales series. Mostly because PC games satisfy the whole “rewards now!” mentality a lot better than the slower payoff in JRPGs. This is not a bad thing – though that depends on who you ask – but the change has been a bit of a shock from what some of us remember as ‘The Norm’. Of course, the biggest influence is that RPG and Adventure systems; such as leveling,  ability upgrades, skill trees, quest logs and the like; have been added into a lot of different games. This results in either fantastic fun (Borderlands) or watered-down grinding (online shooter rank XP). It also makes it harder to pinpoint just what is an RPG, unless that game comes from NISA.

Which brings up a whole ‘nother can of worms regarding moe and its place in the mindset of American audiences.

Happy Hunting.

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