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Thunderous Clamorings: E3, Final Fantasy 7, Shenmue 3, and The Last Guardian – Best Video Game Podcast Top Search Result Episode 4

By Heath | June 18, 2015 at 6:11 am

Download the MP3 or stream the podcast below.

00:00 – Intro
01:04 – The three huge surprises from Sony’s E3 press conference
04:39 – The outrageous coincidence that made this possible
05:30 – How long have we waited for The Last Guardian, FFVII Remake and Shenmue 3?
07:00 – Which of these three is the most surprising? Why?
13:19 – ~Fuck Konami~
13:31 – Back to discussing E3….
16:33 – Nostalgia is contagious
21:11 – Complaints about multiplatform are stupid.
25:02 – Who “won” E3 and other console war bullshit
29:35 – It’s OK to be excited about different things

Thunderous Clamoring – Podcast Reaction to Sony’s E3 2015 Press Conference – Best Video Game Podcast by Best Video Game Podcast on Mixcloud

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