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Shop Watch July 2017
By Russ | July 12, 2017 at 12:29 am
This is the dawning of the Age of Zodiark.
Because Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is released as you read this column. See, International editions of the various Final Fantasy titles coming to North America was once a fever dream, even with the progressive at-the-time-of-PS2 re-releases. But to see Final Fantasy X, the Kingdom Hearts series – and even a release of Type-0 – is kinda weird. I suppose it’s inevitable as the late PS2 era saw the dawn of the majority of niche JRPGs the US would never have seen otherwise thanks to Disgaea‘s success and the subsequent founding of NISA. The relative ease of porting/localizing games for the GBA and DS did not hurt much either. But I digress. To see this game get released is awesome.
To be able to purchase it is another matter. C’est la vie.
Late last month Tokyo Xanadu hit Vita systems. Xanadu is Nihon Falcom’s third longest-running series. NH is the publisher behind some of my favorite games, the Ys series and Legend of Heroes. This most recent foray is a urban re-imagining of the series.
Late June also saw a 3DS release of RPG Maker FES.
The week of June 24 has Miitopia, a turn-based RPG for your 3DS Mii avatars and the Switch release of Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star.
No real advice – Vita physical releases are probably limited, so track those down when you are able. Until next time.
Topics: Shop Watch