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Shop Watch April 2022
By Russ | April 17, 2022 at 4:53 pm
The unknown edition.
Chrono Cross was a huge release earlier this month, with a version of the PSX game released on current consoles. The game featured the Radical Dreamers visual novel – the first time it was released outside of Japan – and a some remixed tracks. Reports show the original music is not present, but edited versions intended to make the music flow better. The remixed songs are not added into the game itself, but playable in a sound test feature. The release is both a hit and a miss for video game preservation.
While not strictly a RPG, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim saw a release on Switch. Players navigate an interconnected story to uncover the truth behind the mech fights happening around the city.
That’s it for April. I would like to state while it is good to older titles re-released for the current market; I would also like to see the original versions available.
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