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Shop Watch August 2022
By Russ | August 6, 2022 at 9:21 pm
Maidens, Fairies, and Hackers; oh my!
A series which has been popping up on my feed lately is Sword & Fairy, a long-running Chinese RPG series. The latest game is Sword & Fairy: Together Forever; which was released August 4th for PS4 and PS5.
The Fallen Legion games are being released as a double pack for PS5 and Xbox X towards the end of the month.
Soul Hackers 2, part of the Megami Tensei family of games and possibly third in a series while also being second in a series… well, at least it’s not Legend of Heroes confusing. Yet. The game has more of the Press Turn combat RPG fans have come to love.
Speaking of collections, Prinny Presents Volume 3 contains La Pucelle and Rhapsody. It’s released August 30th for the Switch. Rhapsody has had some graphical improvements, and La Pucelle has some extra content available.
The future: Square-Enix games like, every month.
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