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Lufia DS: more characters, tons of screens
By Heath | January 8, 2010 at 8:48 am
This first guy is called “Gai,” maybe because he’s the ultimate guy. Look at ‘im. It’s so easy to just picture this dude cracking open a six pack and drinking it before the end of a movie. I say that because my friend who looks just like this guy did that once. No s###, he snuck a 6-pack of beer into the theater and finished it before the end of the movie. Now he’s in a video game.
Gai is hot-headed and always ready for a fight. In battle, he swings a hammer.
This cat here is Arty. I hope he’s smart, so we can call him…nah, that’s not worth finishing.
And from his profile, Arty seems just that. He’s a little older than most cast members, so he’s learned a lot of life lessons. In the group, he’s often got useful information and is knowledgable of men and things.
Heidecker’s job is to inject the game with more shotocon, stereotypical JRPG nonsense. Other characters find him likeable, but socially awkward. Imagine that.
Source: Gpara