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Xenogears orchestral album gets date, price, sampling
By Heath | February 14, 2011 at 7:28 am
Back in the fall, Yasunori Mitsuda told the world that the acclaimed Xenogears soundtrack would be getting an orchestral revamp. Now, there’s a brief online sampling of the game’s opening song that autoplays when visiting the album’s official page.
Overseen by Mitsuda, the name of the album will be “Myth,” and it’ll go on sale in Japan Feb. 23 for 3,000 yen (like $30). It will likely be a required import for those that want it outside of Japan.
The original version of the above-mentioned song is the first trck on the original Xenogears OST — fitting, as it plays over the opening video of Xenogears. Below is said video for the curious or the nostalgic. (It’s in Japanese though.)
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