Is Xenosaga HD Really Necessary?

By Heath | September 4, 2012 at 9:11 pm

I just saw some news talking about Sony being like “Hey man, you want Xenosaga HD, ask Namco Bandai about it,” and I got to wondering…how many of these are even necessary?
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Play and Discuss: Xenogears for the 1st Time, pt 3

By Heath | June 17, 2012 at 8:29 am

This discussion takes us all the way up to the end of disc 1. Be careful, there are heavy spoilers here. We’re discussing this openly and not holding back, so listen at your own risk. Here ya go. Video below for those that prefer it.
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Janelle Plays Xenogears for the First Time: pt 2

By Heath | June 13, 2012 at 11:05 pm

We recorded this a while ago but have been slow about getting it posted. Sorry about that 🙁 Here’s our second discussion, with Janelle being further along in Xenogears. Download the MP3 here, and we’ll have a video version soon. (Hopefully.) EDIT: Hey, video version is up now. See below. We’re not actually ON the video, but it’s another available format for you to listen to.
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Xenogears Podcast Discussion Thing or Whatever the Hell It’s Called

By Heath | April 25, 2012 at 4:19 pm

Janelle and I discuss her progress in Xenogears and thoughts on her first encounter with this popular 90’s RPG.
Download the MP3 of or conversation here (give us a break…it takes us a minute or two to pick up steam).
If you’d rather cue it up in a tab and let it play out video style, there’s that option too, right below:
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Listen to Xenogears: Myth orchestrated album

By Heath | February 23, 2011 at 11:12 am

Today saw the release of the Xenogears orchestrated album in Japan.  I am a friggin’ sucker for this game, especially its music.  So is this long-awaited album worth buying?  Take a listen below and decide for yourself.
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Xenogears orchestral album gets date, price, sampling

By Heath | February 14, 2011 at 7:28 am

Back in the fall, Yasunori Mitsuda told the world that the acclaimed Xenogears soundtrack would be getting an orchestral revamp. Now, there’s a brief online sampling of the game’s opening song
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Xenogears fans teased with more music

By Heath | October 6, 2010 at 8:54 pm

Yasunori Mitsuda, who generally uses Twitter in Japanese (duh?), tossed out one in English today, saying “We start to make the orchestra arranged version of Xenogears! Please tell us your favorite music!” He links to the Square Enix Music official page of the upcoming album and requests that fans get in on the planning by voting for their favorite songs from Xenogears. Obviously, no final release date has been set for the album, as it is just entering the planning stages.

Do Not Expect Xenogears from World Destruction (Editorial)

By Heath | July 13, 2008 at 9:44 pm

All across the internet, upcoming Nintendo DS game World Destruction is building up hype. This is in small part due to its looks and in small part due to it having a character that is a fricking bear pirate. But when really looking, it soon becomes obvious that the biggest factor in the huge buzz is that there are several key players from Xenogears involved. Certainly some of the anticipation is warranted, but let’s get one thing clear for all those awaiting this title: do not expect another Xenogears.
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