Final Fantasy XIII: 20 screens from first few hours

By Heath | December 16, 2009 at 7:05 am

Perhaps some spoilers.

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Final Fantasy XIII battle, menu screenshots

By Heath | December 13, 2009 at 1:57 am

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The Pressure is on Final Fantasy XIII

By Heath | December 13, 2009 at 12:42 am

And the time is almost upon us. The time for the generation’s first main-series Final Fantasy title. The time, gaming brethren, for beginning sentences — nay, entire articles — with conjunctions. We’re at a rare juncture in history. For the first time in eight years, Final Fantasy is making the jump to a new generation. The pressure is on Final Fantasy XIII.
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Final Fantasy XIII massive Dengeki/Famitsu previews (64 pages)

By Heath | December 10, 2009 at 8:38 pm

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Final Fantasy XIII location screens, chocobo battles

By Heath | December 7, 2009 at 7:23 am

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Final Fantasy XIII – 11 new Famitsu pages, short Q&A about Vanille’s Magitek Armor summon “Hecatonchires”

By Heath | December 3, 2009 at 9:37 pm

In these scans, Motomu Toriyama spoke briefly about Vanille’s new summon “Hecatonchires,” and its Driving Mode, which looks suspiciously like a famous piece of Final Fantasy history. The translated Q&A comes below:

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Final Fantasy XIII North American box basically the same as the European one

By Heath | December 3, 2009 at 8:51 am

First the Xbox 360 version, then the PlayStation 3 version:


Final Fantasy XIII European box art revealed

By Heath | December 1, 2009 at 8:26 am

Square Enix Europe has officially unveiled the FFXIII box for Europe. PS3 on the left, Xbox 360 on the right.

Final Fantasy XIII – 15 screens from the recent scans

By Heath | November 28, 2009 at 7:17 am

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Final Fantasy XIII – 29 Japanese magazine pages

By Heath | November 26, 2009 at 10:45 pm

Tons of Final Fantasy XIII scans below, starting with ones from the newest Famitsu:
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