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RPGs of the Year Awards (fashionably late to the party)

By Heath | February 13, 2008 at 3:36 am

It’s that time of year again–actually, due to unexpected ass-craziness, it’s not that time of year at all. Missing our “first week of January” dependability with the awards this year (…by like a month…), however, won’t stop us from letting you know our thoughts on the RPG crop, and what exactly the cream of it was. And as always, the results from reader voting are tallied and reported upon. You can simply check here to begin the trip through the awards, or go below to pick where you start and end.2007 was a pretty great year for RPGs, in general. Oh, there are always some stinkers, but this year as a whole was pretty rockingly great. Each and every system had a pretty epic battle going on, when it came to picking the winners.
Select your award category:

  • Wii
  • Xbox 360
  • PlayStation 2
  • Personal Computer
  • Nintendo DS
  • Sony PSP
  • Stateside Publisher
  • Moment that Most Made Us Be All Like “Whoa”
  • Readers’ Choice Awards
  • Coolest Male Character
  • Coolest Female Character
  • Game We Got Most Shafted By Not Getting in North America
  • Best Overall RPGs of 2007
  • Topics: Uncategorized