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Of Average Returns

By Heath | July 1, 2009 at 5:46 am

Heath Hindman is an arrogant jackass.  So arrogant and such a jackass, in fact, that he writes about himself in the third person.

What a dick.

After a long, pointless hiatus caused by completely inexcusable yet somehow necessary crap, Heath is ready to return to RPG Land.  Balls will be busted.  Facts and things that are not necessarily fact will be reported.  Things will hit fans and other rotating objects.

The first order of business is to post some crap that should have gone up in like, January.  It’s late, but really, shut the hell up.  It’s getting posted.  Game of the year awards in July?  You bet your ass!

No one is safe…with the exception of everyone, because really, at the end of the day, Heath Hindman is a guy from the internet.

Topics: RPG Land Staff