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Mythic guys do damage control

By Heath | November 21, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning producers Jeff Hickman and Jeff Skalski attempted to calm the waves in the WAR community via letters to the players. The news of huge layoffs at Mythic was cause for concern among many MMORPGamers; clearly, in any such event, a game’s future may hang in the balance. Hickman said, “A flood of new players are discovering the game every day thanks to the recently released Endless Trial and New User Journey. Moving forward we remain committed to releasing more great patches, continued performance improvements, and changes based upon your valuable feedback!”
He also mentions Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online in his comments.

Jeff Skalski added, “We’ll be sprucing up graphics with improved lighting options and bloom to make the skies pop to life and create some spectacular sights, in addition over the course of 1.3.3 you’ll get to enjoy three live events including the return of the Battlebrew Backpack in Keg End and the much beloved Night of Murder event in addition to an all new event in the new year…yarrrr. We’re anything but bored as you can see and we can’t wait to open the gates on PTS to hear your feedback.”

Neither man addresses what may be a legitimate concern: one or more of these games being outright canceled due to smaller team size. Obviously, having less people makes any given MMORPG that much less viable, but only the topics of pumping out quality content were at the forefront of producer comments. Only time will tell the effects a shrunken staff will have on Warhammer Online. View the Jeffs’ compete letters by clicking their names above.

Topics: MMORPGLand, Mythic, Warhammer Online