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RPG Land’s 10th “What We’re Thankful For”

By Heath | November 25, 2009 at 10:55 pm

It’s Thanksgiving (in the US) again.  This is when we like to express gratitude and acknowledge how lucky we are.

First and foremost, RPG Land as a whole owes a debt of thanks to each person reading this page right now, and even those who visit the site but aren’t reading this page — albeit less, the heartless jerks.  We like to say “We’ll keep doing things the same way whether anyone reads or not,” but deep down, it’s nice to know we don’t have to do that.  So, heartfelt thanks to our dozens of weekly visitors and both of our regular readers.

RPG Land is grateful to the video game developers and publishers who’ve helped flesh this place out over the years, by various means.  If we try to list them all, we will inevitably forget two or three and piss someone off, so we’re just gonna have to play it safe and say “You know who you are,” and well, people can make some pretty educated guesses.  Thank you, gameindustryfolk.

Tim Wilson built this city on rock and roll, almost 11 years ago.  Site simply wouldn’t be here without the Tim.

My old friends at RPGamer.  I’m gonna go right back to busting your chops after this, but you know it’s all for love.  By that same token, the gang at RandomNPC — minus the busting of chops.  We’ve collaborated with those cats a number of times, and got nuthin’ but love for ’em.  Happy Thanksgiving, RNPC.

We had Thanksgiving dinner this past weekend.  Upon choosing one thing we’re thankful for, I (Heath) had to choose, well, just being alive.  The scare I experienced in ’08 is something that forces itself into my mind every day, sadly.  With that and the close call a few years ago, I should’ve been gone twice by now, I’m thankful for every day I get here.  And I again thank you readers for being part of my life, and letting me share these things with you.

-Heath Hindman, RPG Land

Topics: RPG Land Staff, Specials