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NieR Gestalt, NieR Replicant – 37 new images
By Heath | January 22, 2010 at 11:41 pm
Remember: the ones with the big, oafy, white-haired guy are screens of NieR Gestalt (Xbox 360), which is coming out in North America as NieR. The ones with the other guy are of NieR Replicant (PS3), which is currently only announced for release in Japan.
These girls below are not the same character, but twins. The left girl is “Deboru” and the right one is “Boboru.” They’re of similar looks but opposite personalities, and Boboru is the town librarian of Nier, but Deboru is very expressive and open, enjoying singing in public.
Source: Gpara
Topics: NieR, Nier Gestalt