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This Week’s Famitsu Review Scores

By Heath | March 23, 2010 at 12:04 am

They might be the most useless in the industry, but they’re always amusing, so here are this week’s leaked scores
The boobie-focused Dead or Alive Paradise, exclusively for PSP, was able to arouse a score of 8/8/6/7 (29/40).
Etrian Odyssey III for DS nabbed 35/40 in the form of 9/9/8/9.
Pet Shop Story, also for DS, got 7/8/6/7.
Baseball game Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2010 for PS3 received 8/8/9/8 (33/40), while its PS2 version managed straight 8’s for 32/40. Its PSP version, perhaps surprisingly, got 35/40.

Also in sports, Horse racer Winning Post World 2010 for every major non-handheld, system including PS2, got 8/8/8/7 (for 33/40).
Spore: Kimi wa Tsukuru Hero (You Make the Hero) for Wii earned 8/7/7/6 (28/40).

Thanks to Allgamesbeta.info for the images.

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