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RPG Deals 5/1 – 5/7
By Russ | May 1, 2011 at 5:10 pm
Very, very little this week. Your wallet may thank you.
I’m probably stretching with the Castlevania titles. I have no clue if they titles are even considered Action RPGs anymore. All I know is Portrait of Ruin remains unbeaten in my collection.
Dragon Quest IX is $17 with shipping if bought at Wal-Mart.com.
Xbox Live’s Deal of the Week for Gold Members is for the two Castlevania games on the system. Symphony of the Night is 400 points; Harmony of Despair is 600 points. All the DLC stages for HoD are 50% off.
Crisis Core, FFTA: War of the Lions, FF I and FF II are all $10 PSP games at K-Mart and several other places.
Amazon.com is doing ’10 days of Free Games’. These are casual PC games being given away. I don’t know what will be available, but check back if some light RPGs potentially become free.
PSN is still down, so no oddball deals will be available.
That’s all I got for this week. Happy Hunting.
Disclaimer: Deals may not be available in all stores. Deals may stop and any time. Prices in each store may differ. You can try different stores to mitigate this, and always ask if a store has the item before leaving the store. You might be able to get a raincheck. Many deals are in-store only, except where specified. This column brought you by lack of PSN. Le sigh.
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