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Shop Watch December 2023

By Russ | December 11, 2023 at 12:26 am

If I got to the end of a long journey to slay a villain and they uttered one word – I would join them immediately.

So I’ve spent nearly two weeks without a phone and access to a lot of things I use day-to-day. Let’s catch up!

Let’s catch up to one thing!

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince came out for the Nintendo Switch on December 8. Apparently, physical copies have been oversold in Japan, as Square Enix has told players to buy the digital copy.

In the US, the Dragon Quest series is not advertised well (despite several recent DQ offerings being really good? DQXI is one of the best RPGs available). Stores aren’t stocking many copies, and Amazon sold out at one point. Restock isn’t happening until later in December or early January. Not that this is uncommon. The same thing happened to Final Fantasy X on its release in Mid-December 2001. Whether the culprit is end-of-year stocking woes or artificial scarcity stupidity will be answered in time should more stock show up.

That’s all for December. I hope you all enjoy the month.

P.S. – That word is Verizon, by the way.

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