RPG Podcast: Child of Light

By Heath | May 21, 2016 at 4:31 pm

The podcast is supposedly on a break till at least mid summer… but if we make an episode out of the blue… well… we won’t get mad if you won’t. Enjoy this podcast about the Ubisoft Montreal masterpiece Child of Light.

You can download the MP3 right here (right click, save as) or stream it with the MixCloud embed below.

Thanks for listening! Tweet @RPGLand and/or @TheHeathHindman with your feedback or fun stories or cake recipes.

A Yakuza Podcast, Part 1 of 2

By Heath | May 18, 2015 at 8:50 am

So here’s a podcast about Yakuza. It’s part 1 of 2. If you want to download it, then click here to download the MP3.

If you want to stream it, there’s this:

Yakuza Series, Spoiler Free (Yakuza podcast pt 1 of 2) Best Video Game Podcast Ep. 1-A by Bestvideogamepodcast on Mixcloud

Want a time-stamped table to show you exactly what we talk about and when? Here ya go:

0:00:00 – Intro
0:02:01 – The Yakuza series in 1 minute
0:03:33 – Our experience with the series so far
0:05:50 – Yakuza is NOT like GTA
0:08:53 – Which game should you start with?
0:16:01 – Should you import the games? Which ones?
0:18:45 – Importing Yakuza Ishin and Yakuza Zero
0:24:33 – Yakuza’s hurdles to localization
0:30:20 – Sega’s marketing (or lack thereof)
0:34:15 – Tropes vs. Yakuza
0:40:41 – In-depth discussion of Yakuza Zero
0:44:05 – Why make a prequel with these characters?
0:47:40 – Japan’s 1988 economic bubble
0:53:12 – Bubble-era pop culture: beepers, disco and more
0:59:30 – 1988 Kamurocho and Soutenbori
1:03:25 – Creeping out random NPCs
1:08:08 – Combat in Yakuza Zero
1:18:20 – Making it rain: money in Zero
1:20:54 – Sexual content and objectification
1:29:50 – The future of the Yakuza series

Part 2 will be posted on the weekend.

Eventually we’re going open up a Patreon, because this action right here took like six weeks to record, edit, upload and all that jazz. So…yeah. Gonna need some help. So, if you like it, and like what we’ve done in the past, we’d love if you’d kick in a dollar or two, so as videos and podcasts can come more regularly.

Final Fantasy VII Remake, Last Guardian, Shenmue 3, Other Games We’d Pay $100 For

By Heath | February 25, 2015 at 8:08 am

The second part of the podcast. Download the audio right here, or stream it below:

Would a Final Fantasy VII PS3 Remake Matter Now? Would you buy it?

By Heath | February 24, 2015 at 7:07 am

The first part of a 2-part podcast. Download the MP3 right here, or you can stream it below:

So how was Lightning Returns FFXIII? Spoiler-free Post-game Podcast

By Heath | January 5, 2014 at 12:35 pm

We’ve recently cleared Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, which I still stubbornly refer to as Final Fantasy XIII-3. Immediately after the credits rolled, we got to talking, and whipped up this podcast. Download it directly right here, or stream it in your browser below. Look for Janelle’s review soon.
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Our First, Our Favorite: Final Fantasy (Podcast, Discussion)

By Heath | October 22, 2012 at 9:15 am

RPG fans are already aware that this year, the Final Fantasy series is turning 25 years old. In this podcast (or video, whichever you prefer), Janelle and Heath Hindman discuss their respective first and favorite Final Fantasy titles. None of them overlap. What the heck are the odds of that? Check below to download the MP3 or watch the video.
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Playing Earthbound for the First Time: Discussion 1

By Heath | April 29, 2012 at 4:22 pm

As Janelle treks through Xenogears, Heath has his first go at Earthbound. Download the MP3 of their discussion here, or cue that bad boy up in video form below.
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Awesomecast: Internet Chain Whining

By Heath | October 22, 2008 at 10:59 am

The new Awesomecast…um, exists! After like 11 months of doing nothing, holy crap, another one. And boy do we struggle to get back into the swing of things!

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Awesomecast 5: Review Views

By Orie | November 6, 2007 at 8:24 am

The new Awesomecast is a little late in coming, but has finally arrived. This time we’re going to talk in depth about how the staff here at RPG Land writes reviews, and some of our thoughts on game reviewing in general. This is the episode that we were going to do first, but was lost to the computer ethers due to youthful inexperience. It was probably a good thing, because in the subsequent ‘casts we’ve gained some experience, and we were able to snag Cortney Stone from RandomNPC to be a special guest. Enjoy the show!

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